EasyCap     原文:https://github.com/stevelacy/EasyCap   

EasyCap driver for linux


デバイスの識別 Identify your device 
lsusb --->> 下記のようなデータが表示出力されるはずです。
Bus XXX Device XXX: ID 1c88:0007 Somagic, Inc.

ファームウエアを導入後 (see installation)には、下記のようなデータ表示を得ることができるでしょう。
Bus XXX Device XXX: ID 1c88:003c Somagic, Inc.  (or)
Bus XXX Device XXX: ID 1c88:003f Somagic, Inc.

インストール Installation 

「 somagic_firmware.bin 」のダウンロード(右中程の"Download"ボタン・クリック):

sudo cp ./somagic_firmware.bin /lib/firmware/somagic_firmware.bin

依存する環境をインストール Install dependencies
Example for debian/ubuntu
sudo apt-get install make gcc libusb-1.0-0-dev libgcrypt11-dev
"mplayer" も必要となるので~ここでインストールしておきます。
sudo apt-get install mplayer2

sudo wget https://easycap-somagic-linux.googlecode.com/files/somagic-easycap_1.1.tar.gz
sudo wget https://easycap-somagic-linux.googlecode.com/files/somagic-easycap-tools_1.1.tar.gz
上記のターミナルで取得した~TAR Archives 2個を解凍。
sudo tar xvf somagic-easycap_1.1.tar.gz
sudo tar xvf somagic-easycap-tools_1.1.tar.gz

cd somagic-easycap_1.1
sudo make install

If you wish to install the beta version:
make beta
sudo make install-beta

結果 Results Now, you have installed: 詳細な手順については次項目の「ユーザーズ・ガイド」をお読みください。

コマンドの説明 Command description
  • somagic-init ............ファームウェアをロードし、easycapデバイスに接続し、プロセス制御の初期化。
  • somagic-capture .....ビデオ記録、出力を「stdout」で生ストリーム。
  • somagic-audio-capture .....オーディオ録音、出力を「stdout」で生ストリーム。
  • somagic-both ........... ビデオとオーディオの記録、標準でビデオおよび音声の出力。
  • The format of the raw video and audio depends on the options your choose. Your can find more information using man page (or in the examples below) man somagic-capture

    ビデオのライブ視覚化 Live visualization of the video
    依存関係 Dependencies  ● mplayer

    PAL format
    # kill untracked zombie processes (could be usefull if the script is killed)
    sudo killall -9 somagic-capture
    # init the somagic driver
    sudo somagic-init
    sudo somagic-capture | mplayer -vf yadif,screenshot -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "pal:format=uyvy:fps=25" -aspect 4:3 -

    NTSC format
    # kill untracked zombie processes (could be usefull if the script is killed)
    sudo killall -9 somagic-capture
    # init the somagic driver
    sudo somagic-init
    # recording
    sudo somagic-capture -n | mplayer -vf yadif,screenshot -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "ntsc:format=uyvy:fps=30000/1001" -aspect 4:3 -

    SECAM format
    # kill untracked zombie processes (could be usefull if the script is killed)
    sudo killall -9 somagic-capture
    # init the somagic driver
    sudo somagic-init
    # recording
    sudo somagic-capture --secam | mplayer -vf yadif,screenshot -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "pal:format=uyvy:fps=25" -aspect 4:3 -

    ビデオの録画とオーディオ Record video and audio.
    This section is a cookbook. Feel free to add yours solutions! Dependencies:
  • libav-tools (avconv)
  • moreutils (buffer)
  • Secam format
    sudo killall -9 somagic-both
    sudo killall -9 somagic-capture

    # init the somagic driver
    sudo somagic-init

    # recording
    rm -f .video .audio .video_buffer .audio_buffer
    mkfifo .video .audio .video_buffer .audio_buffer
    sudo somagic-both --secam 1>.video 2>.audio & pid=$!
    # buffer the data acquired (prevent frame lost)
    buffer < .video > .video_buffer &
    buffer < .audio > .audio_buffer &
    sleep 1 avconv \ -f rawvideo -pix_fmt uyvy422 -r 25 -s:v 720x576 -i .video_buffer \
    -f s16le -sample_rate 24000 -ac 2 -i .audio_buffer -strict experimental \
    -vcodec mpeg4 -vtag xvid -qscale:v 7 \
    -vf yadif -s:v 720x540 \

    # now, type ctrl-c to stop the encoding
    # you can then kill somagic-both

    マニュアル ページ Man pages
    MAN page from OpenSuSE 13.X somagic-easycap-1.1-4.1.x86_64.rpm


    Section: Somagic EasyCAP (1)
    Updated: March 2013

    somagic-capture - Perform video capture with the Somagic EasyCAP DC60, Somagic EasyCAP002, or EzCAP USB 2.0


    Initializes the Somagic EasyCAP DC60, Somagic EasyCAP002, or EzCAP ESB 2.0 registers and performs video capture.This program must be run as root in order to interact with the USB capture device directly.

    オプション OPTIONS
    -B, --brightness=VALUE
    Luminance brightness control.The brightness VALUE must be between 0 and 255, inclusive.The default brightness is 128, which selects the ITU level.
    値 VALUE 輝度 Brightness
    255 Bright
    149 NTSC-J
    128 ITU level
      0 Dark
    -C, --contrast=VALUE
    Luminance contrast control.The contrast VALUE must be between -128 and 127, inclusive.The default contrast is 71, which selects the ITU level.
    値 VALUE コントラスト Contrast
    127 1.984375
    72 1.125000 NTSC-J
    71 1.109375 ITU level
    64 1.000000
    1 0.015625
    0 0.000000 Luminance off
    -64 -1.000000 Inverse luminance
    -128 -2.000000 Inverse luminance
    -c, --cvbs
    For the EasyCAP DC60 or EzCAP USB 2.0, use the CVBS (composite) input for video capture.For the EasyCAP002, use the numbered inputs for video capture. Different devices seem to have different numbering schemes, so try each input in turn to determine which one is correct. This is the default.
    -i, --cvbs-inputVALUE
    For the EasyCAP002 only. Select the numbered input to use.Different devices seem to have different numbering schemes, so the numbering may not match your device. Try each input in turn to determine which one is correct. The default input is 3.
    -f, --framesCOUNT
    Maximum number of video frames to capture.The default is -1, which allows unlimited frames.
    -H, --hue=VALUE
    Hue phase in degrees.The hue VALUE must be between -128 and 127, inclusive.The default hue is 0.
    値 VALUE 位相 Phase
    -128 -180.00000°
    0 0.00000°
    1 1.40635°
    127 178.59375°
    Number of concurrent iso transfers.Selecting a higher value might help alleviate sync artifacts.The default is 4.
    Luminance aperture factor.The aperture factor MODE must be between 0 and 3, inclusive.Increasing this value can increase perceived sharpness.The default aperture factor is 1.
    モード MODE Aperture Factor
    0 0.00
    1 0.25
    2 0.50
    3 1.00
    Activate the luminance prefilter.This is bypassed (not active) by default.
    Luminance mode for the CVBS video input, selecting a center frequency in MHz.Does not apply to the S-VIDEO video input.The MODE must be between 0 and 3, inclusive.Decreasing the MHz value can increase perceived sharpness.The default is 0.
    モード MODE 中心周波数 Center Frequency
    0 4.1 MHz
    1 3.8 MHz
    2 2.6 MHz
    3 2.9 MHz
    0 1 2 3 -n, --ntsc
    Decode the NTSC-M video standard, which is used in North America.To decode the NTSC-J video standard, which is used in Japan, select -n along with -B 147 and -C 72.The internal vertical resolution is 525 lines. The output resolution is 720x480, which should be scaled to 720x540 for the correct aspect ratio of 4:3.The output framerate is approximately 29.97 Hz, or 30/1.001 Hz exactly.
    Decode the NTSC-4.43 50 Hz video standard.The internal vertical resolution is 525 lines. The output resolution is 720x480, which should be scaled to 720x540 for the correct aspect ratio of 4:3.The output framerate is 25 Hz exactly.
    Decode the NTSC-4.43 60 Hz video standard.The internal vertical resolution is 525 lines. The output resolution is 720x480, which should be scaled to 720x540 for the correct aspect ratio of 4:3.The output framerate is approximately 29.97 Hz, or 30/1.001 Hz exactly.
    Decode the NTSC-N video standard.The internal vertical resolution is 625 lines. The output resolution is 720x576, which should be scaled to 720x540 for the correct aspect ratio of 4:3.The output framerate is 25 Hz exactly.
    -p, --pal
    Decode any of the PAL-B, PAL-G, PAL-H, PAL-I, or PAL-N video standards, which are used in many regions.The internal vertical resolution is 625 lines. The output resolution is 720x576, which should be scaled to 720x540 for the correct aspect ratio of 4:3.The output framerate is 25 Hz exactly.This is the default.
    Decode the PAL-4.43 video standard, also commonly known as PAL 60.The internal vertical resolution is 525 lines. The output resolution is 720x480, which should be scaled to 720x540 for the correct aspect ratio of 4:3.The output framerate is approximately 29.97 Hz, or 30/1.001 Hz exactly.
    Decode the PAL-M video standard, which is used in Brazil.The internal vertical resolution is 525 lines. The output resolution is 720x480, which should be scaled to 720x540 for the correct aspect ratio of 4:3.The output framerate is approximately 29.97 Hz, or 30/1.001 Hz exactly.
    Decode the PAL Combination-N video standard.The internal vertical resolution is 625 lines. The output resolution is 720x576, which should be scaled to 720x540 for the correct aspect ratio of 4:3.The output framerate is 25 Hz exactly.
    -C, --contrast=VALUE
    Chrominance saturation control.The saturation VALUE must be between -128 and 127, inclusive.The default saturation is 64, which selects the ITU level.
    VALUE 彩度 Saturation
    127 1.984375
    64 1.000000 ITU level
    1 0.015625
    0 0.000000 Color off
    -64 -1.000000 Inverse chrominance
    -128 -2.000000 Inverse chrominance
    -s, --s-video
    Use the S-VIDEO input for video capture. Only available on EasyCAP DC60 and EzCAP USB 2.0.
    Decode the SECAM video standard.The internal vertical resolution is 625 lines. The output resolution is 720x576, which should be scaled to 720x540 for the correct aspect ratio of 4:3.The output framerate is 25 Hz exactly.
    Sync algorithm. Selects the method used to decode the video and control information into frames of video.The sync VALUE must be either 1 or 2.The default is 2.
    値 VALUE アルゴリズム Algorithm
    1 TB
    2 MD
    Parses command-line options and performs capture setup, but does not initiate capture.The purpose of this option is to allow scripts to determine whether capture should be possible.
    Select a file (or pipe) to output raw UYVY video frames to.The default is to output video to standard output rather than a file.
    Print the program version, the program copyright, a list of authors, and a notice that there is no warranty.

    終了ステータス EXIT STATUS
    The program exits with a status of zero on success.A status of one will be returned if any errors were encountered.

    Play PAL video from CVBS/composite input
    somagic-capture | mplayer -vf yadif,screenshot -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "pal:format=uyvy:fps=25" -aspect 4:3 -
    Play PAL video from S-VIDEO input
    somagic-capture -s | mplayer -vf yadif,screenshot -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "pal:format=uyvy:fps=25" -aspect 4:3 -
    Play PAL video from CVBS/composite with increased sharpness
    somagic-capture --luminance=2 --lum-aperture=3 | mplayer -vf yadif,screenshot -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "pal:format=uyvy:fps=25" -aspect 4:3 -
    Play NTSC video from CVBS/composite input
    somagic-capture -n | mplayer -vf yadif,screenshot -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "ntsc:format=uyvy:fps=30000/1001" -aspect 4:3 -Play NTSC video from S-VIDEO inputsomagic-capture -n -s | mplayer -vf yadif,screenshot -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "ntsc:format=uyvy:fps=30000/1001" -aspect 4:3 -
    Play NTSC video from CVBS/composite input with increased sharpness
    somagic-capture -n --luminance=2 --lum-aperture=3 | mplayer -vf yadif,screenshot -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "ntsc:format=uyvy:fps=30000/1001" -aspect 4:3 -
    Play NTSC video from CVBS/composite input with increased sharpness, using alternate sync algorithm
    somagic-capture -n --luminance=2 --lum-aperture=3 --sync=1 | mplayer -vf yadif,screenshot -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "ntsc:format=uyvy:fps=30000/1001" -aspect 4:3 -
    Play SECAM video from CVBS/composite input
    somagic-capture --secam | mplayer -vf yadif,screenshot -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "pal:format=uyvy:fps=25" -aspect 4:3 -

    somagic-extract-firmware(1), somagic-init(1)

    Report bugs to the easycap-somagic-linux project on Google Project Hosting:

    This manual page was written by Jeffry Johnston .

    Copyright © 2011-2013 Tony Brown, Michal Demin, Jeffry Johnston, Jon Arne Jørgensen.License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


    【2016.08.08.】 やっとのこと、下の写真のような画像を取得しました・・・?

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ lsusb
    Bus 001 Device 005: ID 1c88:003c Somagic, Inc. SMI Grabber (EasyCAP DC60+ clone) [SMI-2021CBE]
    Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0424:ec00 Standard Microsystems Corp. SMSC9512/9514 Fast Ethernet Adapter
    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0424:9514 Standard Microsystems Corp.
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo somagic-capture | mplayer -vf yadif,screenshot -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "pal:format=uyvy:fps=10" -aspect 4:3 -
    MPlayer2 2.0-728-g2c378c7-4+b1 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team
    Cannot open file '/home/pi/.mplayer/input.conf': No such file or directory Failed to open /home/pi/.mplayer/input.conf.
    Cannot open file '/etc/mplayer/input.conf': No such file or directory
    Failed to open /etc/mplayer/input.conf.
     ⇦ ⇧ ここが修正ポイントかも~?

    Playing -.
    Reading from stdin...
    Detected file format: rawvideo
    Load subtitles in .
    Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    [vdpau] Error when calling vdp_device_create_x11: 1
    [VO_XV] It seems there is no Xvideo support for your video card available.
    [VO_XV] Run 'xvinfo' to verify its Xv support and read
    [VO_XV] DOCS/HTML/en/video.html#xv!
    [VO_XV] See 'mplayer -vo help' for other (non-xv) video out drivers.
    [VO_XV] Try -vo x11.
    [ass] auto-open
    Opening video filter: [screenshot]
    Opening video filter: [yadif]
    VIDEO: 720x576 10.000 fps 66355.2 kbps (8294.4 kB/s)
    Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
    Opening video filter: [scale]
    Aspect ratio is 1.33:1 - scaling to correct movie aspect.
    [swscaler @ 0x75ad5980]using unscaled uyvy422 -> yuv420p special converter VO: [x11] 720x576 => 768x576 Planar YV12
    [swscaler @ 0x75ad5980]No accelerated colorspace conversion found from yuv420p to rgb565le.
    Selected video codec: RAW UYVY [raw]
    Audio: no sound
    Starting playback...
    V: 23.4 235/235 0% 81% 0.0% 0 0

    Exiting... (End of file)

    copyright 悠流里 Since: 2002.07.20.
    inserted by FC2 system